UX Writing is a Design Discipline


Users need instructions, reassurance, and delightful copy that answers their questions. Users need to be guided through tasks. This “conversation” with the user is the core of ux writing. The conversation runs through the whole user experience (ux). User experience writers are Interaction Designers for content. To write well, a ux writer needs to know what the product does for users and how it makes their lives better. User-centered writing is different than product-centered writing. The writing must reinforce the product’s unique value proposition so that it is clearly defined from the competition.

A ux writer envisions and creates the copy a user sees as they navigate through any software product. This could be UI text, UX copy, Interface copy, UI Content.

UX Writers create any of the following:

  • first-time use or onboarding text

  • Instruction Text

  • error messages

  • engagement interstitials (full-screen pop-ups)

  • contextual help and tooltips

  • form field labels and lists

  • legal notices

  • settings

A ux writer can have different names and wear many hats. We are also called and do the functions of technical writing, marketing writing, information design, conversation design, digital copywriting, support writing, content strategy and content design.

Most often, a ux writer is now called a content strategist or content designer, but the truth is the job may require all of these functions. A content designer looks at the layout, information architecture, and components. A ux writer (can be known as one who) writes microcopy (although we know that a ux writer is an interface designer), while content strategy looks at how you make a lasting impact.

A ux writer knows that all copy is relationship building. A good ux writer explains how to do all the great things the marketing copy promised and explains the benefits in an irresistible way.

A good ux writer has:

  • a strong command of spelling, mechanics, grammar, and is efficient with words.

  • curiosity and empathy for your users

  • willingness to compromise

  • drive to keep a fast pace

UX Writing is:

  • concise and user-focused

  • every word must have a purpose

  • every sentence is essential

  • meaning matters

  • timing is everything

  • an advocate for succinct writing

UX Writer Tasks

Here are some of the activities a UX Writer typically takes on, in no particular order:

  • Works with product teams to find written and visual narrative design solutions

  • Collaborates with marketing, design, and development teams from the project’s outset

  • Advocates for users and their needs to marketers, product managers, designers, and developers

  • Follows the team’s development process (like agile or kanban), workflows, and delivery methods

  • Uses the same tools as designers and developers

  • Partners in usability and marketing research

  • Collaborates across the entire product team (marketing, product management, leadership) to improve copywriting and communication

  • Partners with a content strategist to ensure the effectiveness, appropriateness, and proper governance of overall language

  • Writes amazing copy

  • Teaches and empowers others to write amazing copy

The chances are good that your co-workers will want to work closely with you and learn from you. You’re the specialist when it comes to talking to users through the product interface in the most effective, concise way possible. That’s a valuable design skill.

(from The Writer’s Collective Course on UX Writing)


Content Strategy is voice, tone, terms, styles, audiences


Color Palette: Checking for Accessibility before you begin